Intraday trading tips and tricks

When you buy a stock, it is up to you to decide what you want to do with it. You may keep it for the next decade if you like, or sell it on the same day. Both options have their own benefits, but if you’re going to be closing your position on the same day, there are some intraday trading tips you should know.

Key Points

As the name suggests, Intraday Trading is the process of buying and selling stocks on the same day. Basically, you buy stocks on daily basis, you look for a reasonable price to sell it and then earn your profit. While it looks like the easiest way towards big money, the adage “all that glitters is not gold” still holds true. There are some hidden complexities that might make you lose your path in this seemingly simple venture. Learn how to perform intraday trading here [link to article #82], and then take a look at a few steps down below that could help you trade well.



Tips and Tricks for Intraday Trading

It is advisable to look for liquid shares for Intraday Trading. As the trader needs to square-off their position at the end of the day, it is better to go for large cap shares. Otherwise, you might have to hold the stocks due to lack of trading volumes. Here are some more tips and tricks for intraday traders.

Wrapping Up